Swift believes strongly in implementing an encompassing, beneficial policy whereby all parties – growers, employees, the company itself and ultimately, the consumers – can reap rewards.
This concept is what we term a “Win-Win” policy, such that all the above parties stand to gain from the growth of the business. In Swift, there are no rigid classifications that divide “bosses” and “subordinates”; instead, we encourage employees to look to us as team leaders working cooperatively and collaboratively with them at each step and every level.
We provide fringe benefits which are above and beyond that required by law. These include free health care and social security, free vacation days, transportation to and from work, interest-free loans to those in need and extended maternity leave.
We adhere to standard, first-world employment practices such as payment of one and a half times the normal wage during overtime and twice the normal wage on holidays. Our company engages contracted growers who get a guaranteed price for their produce on long term contracts. These contracted growers are also provided with a greater incentive to produce and adhere to the strict guidelines we set for them on the maintenance of quality and standards.
We also offer assistance to our growers in converting from traditional farming practices to GAP and organic farming practices, by providing interest free financial assistance.
All contracted growers, and workers, growers and suppliers are paid in full and on time regardless of the market situation facing the company.
We do not use child labour on our farms and factories.
Swift generates a direct income of over 300 million Baht (over US$8 million) to the Kampangsaen community and more than 800 million baht (US$22 million) to other communities in Thailand.
Pilot farms in different Universities have been set up by a joint venture between Swift and the Ministry of Agriculture to actively promote GLOBALGAP farming in Thailand.
The Ministry of Agriculture, Thailand has selected Swift as an outstanding company in supporting and developing farm communities.
Swift is also actively involved in helping local communities, temples and schools throughout the country.
New Product Line
Due to our growing business, we will be expanding our business operations and which will include the following: Added value prepared fruits and vegetable. Novel cuts and ...Read more