Please visit Friends Foundation at
Swift was invited as a speaker in “CSR Symposium” organized by Network for Sustainability Communication (NSC) and Global Environmental Forum (GEF) in Tokyo, Japan in July 28, 2005.
Swift Co., Ltd. received CSR certificate from Department of Industrial Works, Ministry of Industry Thailand in 2009
Swift was invited to joined University Coop annual meeting held at Tokyo, Japan in 13 June 2009. University Coop presented collaboration between Swift co. and University Coop on Spinach project in Chiang Mai, Thailand.
Japanese consumer trace back to Swift co. by following details on asparagus. Here is the details translated in English.
The following websites / articles feature Swift / Exotic Farm Produce (Thailand).
1. http://www.fao.org/Ag/AGS/subjects/en/agmarket/linkages/pvtco.html
2. JETRO (Japan External Trade Organization) (Translated Version in English)