Swift acquires our supply only from farms and co-operations that practices environmental safe guarding.
Fixed price incentive, interest free loans and other financial incentives are provided to encourage our contracted growers to adopt GLOBALGAP and organic farming practices.
Our company’s pricing policy reduces risk to contracted growers to a minimum.
Our sound financial support and technology transfer improve yields and income for growers.
We employ a team of highly qualified agronomists to control crop production.
We are involved in every single process of the production of our crops.
We adopt the guidelines of GAP production and implementing a schedule of GLOBAL GAP assessment and certification.
We are pleased that our baby corn growers have achieved GLOBALGAP certification.
We are planning to have the remaining key produce growers to be certified by Option 2 of GLOBALGAP protocol.

Packing Facilities
To ensure delivery of high quality, safe produce to our customers, we have incorporated a comprehensive quality assurance program that covers activities in our field, packing and transportation operations....Read more